Registered Parliamentarian

certifying organization info

National Association of Parliamentarians Registered Parliamentarian 213 South Main Street Independence MO 64050


Registered Parliamentarian® (RP) status demonstrates an in-depth knowledge of parliamentary procedure and a thorough familiarity with Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised. This knowledge helps RPs provide quality instruction to others learning about parliamentary procedure; enables them to respond quickly and confidently to questions and situations that arise during the conduct of business in the organizations they serve or in which they participate; and allows them to quickly find details or supporting documentation of any parliamentary topic. Registered Parliamentarian Website


More than two years of education or training after high school required? Yes

More than two years of work experience required? Yes

Oral or Written Exam Required? Yes

Renewal Required? Every 6 Year(s)

Renew through Continuing Educational Units(CEU)? Yes

Renew through Re-Examination? No

Renew through Continuing Professional Development(CPD)? Yes

Does applicant have choice of at least two options from above for renewal (CEU, CPD, or exam)? No