Certified Elevator Inspector

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Qualified Elevator Inspector Training Fund Certified Elevator Inspector 7154 Columbia Gateway Drive Columbia MD 21046 https://www.qeitf.org/


The purpose of the Qualified Elevator Inspector (QEI) exam is to confirm that candidates for CEI certification can perform the duties and responsibilities of an elevator inspector to a degree of competence that protects both the public and elevator employees (e.g., mechanics) from injury or death. To satisfy this goal, the exam is developed to meet established standards of validity, reliability, and fairness. The exam is based on a job analysis study that provided a formal investigation of the elevator inspector job. The job analysis study provides the foundation for the exam's content and format. Basing the development of the exam on the job analysis study ensures that the content of the exam reflects the priority and importance of the job content; and, the format of the exam conforms to the actual performance of the job duties and responsibilities with as much fidelity as feasible. The job analysis relies on multiple methods for defining job tasks including referring to pre-existing job descriptions and standards, interviewing experts in elevator inspection and inspection supervision, and administering surveys to inspectors and inspector supervisors. QEITF conducted a job analysis study in 2013 and will conduct new studies every six years. Based on the outcome of the job analysis study task survey and input from subject matter experts a test plan, or content outline, for the exam was developed. Certified Elevator Inspector Website


More than two years of education or training after high school required? Yes

More than two years of work experience required? Yes

Oral or Written Exam Required? Yes

Renewal Required? Every 1 Year(s)

Renew through Continuing Educational Units(CEU)? Yes

Renew through Re-Examination? Yes

Renew through Continuing Professional Development(CPD)? No

Does applicant have choice of at least two options from above for renewal (CEU, CPD, or exam)? No

This certification is accredited by ANSI.
Read more about ANSI.