Certified Electronics Technician - Journeyman-Level - Radar

certifying organization info

International Society of Certified Electronics Technicians Certified Electronics Technician - Journeyman-Level - Radar P. O. Box 378, Hillsboro TX 76645 https://certifiedelectronicstechnician.org/


General knowledge of both pulse radar and continuous wave radar operation is necessary for taking this Journeyman option. This test covers transmitters and receivers, CRT display systems and their power supplies, antennas, transmission lines and their characteristics. Certified Electronics Technician - Journeyman-Level - Radar Website


Either training or work experience required, but not both? Yes

Oral or Written Exam Required? Yes

Does applicant have choice of at least two options from above for renewal (CEU, CPD, or exam)? No

This certification is related to military occupational specialties.
Read more about certifications related to military occupations.