Avid Certified Operator: Pro Tools | Worksurface

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Avid Technology, Inc. Avid Certified Operator: Pro Tools | Worksurface Avid Technology Park One Park West Tewsbury, MA 08176 https://www.avid.com/learning/certification#overview


Avid's Pro Tools Ethernet-based Worksurfaces have become the top choice of discerning professionals, and open new worlds of efficiency and creativity. The Worksurface courses, available for C|24, D-Command and D-Control explore the full range of features, and how you can use them to make better mixes. Avid Certified Operator: Pro Tools | Worksurface Website


More than two years of education or training after high school required? Yes

More than two years of work experience required? Yes

Oral or Written Exam Required? Yes