
Licensing Agency

New Hampshire Department of State
State House, Room 204
Concord , NH 0330
(603) 271-3242



Lobbyists contact and confer with members of legislature to persuade them to support legislation favorable to clients' interests. Study proposed legislation to determine possible effect on the interest of a client, who may be a person, a specific group, or the general public. Confer with legislators and officials to emphasize supposed weaknesses or merits of specific bills to influence passage, defeat, or amendment favorable to clients' interests.

Statute: NH RSA 15

Registration Requirements:

  • Must register with the Secretary of State for each legislative session

  • Wear a clearly visible name tag in hunter orange when lobbying in the State House or the legislative office building

  • Must file a quarterly statement itemizing all fees received from any lobbying client, all expenditures made from lobbying fees or any honorarium or expense reimbursement, or political contribution made by the lobbyist in a professional or personal capacity

Examination: Not required

Continuing Education: Not required


  • $50 for each employer per legislative session

    All registrations expire on December 31

Reciprocity: Not permitted

revised Jan 2018