Agricultural Pest Control Adviser

Licensing Agency

Department of Pesticide Regulation
Licensing and Certification Program
1001 I Street
Sacramento , CA 95814
(916) 445-4038


Any person who acts as an authority on agricultural pest control, who offers a recommendation on any agricultural pest control, or who solicits services or sale of agricultural pest control methods.
Exemptions: Officials of federal, state and county departments of agriculture, University of California personnel engaged in duties relating to agricultural use, and property operators (i.e. growers, farms, or corporations) and their employees when making decisions in regards to pesticides used for agricultural use on property under their control.
Fees: Initial application: $80; Renewal: $70 each year
Examination Fee: $50
Examination Information: DPR's Licensing and Certification Program offers computer-based exams at testing centers state-wide for all individual licenses and certificates. Applications for all exams must be mailed to DPR's Licensing and Certification Program. You can find more examination information on DPR's website.
Option 1: Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in the Agricultural Sciences, Biological Sciences, Natural Sciences, or Pest Management with 42 semester units (63 quarter units) of college-level curriculum in the physical and biological sciences, crop health, pest management systems and methods, and production systems.
Option 2: Doctoral degree in Agricultural Sciences, Biological Sciences, Natural Sciences, or Pest Management.
Option 3: 24 months of combined technical experience verified by a letter from the employer and 42 semester units (63 quarter units) of college-level curricula in the physical and biological sciences, crop health, pest management systems and methods, and production systems.
Examination Requirements: An applicant for an Agricultural Pest Control Adviser License must pass the Laws, Regulations, and Basic Principles examination, plus one or more of the following category examinations:
Category A - Insects, Mites, and Other Invertebrates
Category B - Plant Pathogens
Category C - Nematodes
Category D - Vertebrate Pests
Category E - Weed Control
Category F - Defoliation
Category G - Plant Growth Regulators
Average Time to Process Application: 30 days
Renewal Period: Biennially (every second year). Forty hours of approved continuing education during each two-year license period is required for renewal.
Authority: Food and Agricultural Code, Section 11410, 11411, 12001, 12003 and 12021.