Occupation information for Compliance Managers District Of Columbia


Plan, direct, or coordinate activities of an organization to ensure compliance with ethical or regulatory standards.

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Currently Employed: 28,070

Projected Annual Job Openings: 2,010

Typical Hourly Wage: $68.21 - $88.22

Typical Annual Salary: $141,880 - $183,500

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typical training

Typical education needed for entry: Bachelor's degree

Typical work experience needed for a job in this occupation: Less than 5 years work experience

Typical on-the-job training once you have a job in this occupation: No on-the-job training

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typical job duties
  • Report violations of compliance or regulatory standards to duly authorized enforcement agencies as appropriate or required.
  • Identify compliance issues that require follow-up or investigation.
  • Discuss emerging compliance issues to ensure that management and employees are informed about compliance reporting systems, policies, and practices.
  • File appropriate compliance reports with regulatory agencies.
  • Maintain documentation of compliance activities, such as complaints received or investigation outcomes.
  • Consult with corporate attorneys as necessary to address difficult legal compliance issues.
  • Conduct or direct the internal investigation of compliance issues.
  • Provide employee training on compliance related topics, policies, or procedures.
  • Serve as a confidential point of contact for employees to communicate with management, seek clarification on issues or dilemmas, or report irregularities.
  • Verify that all regulatory policies and procedures have been documented, implemented, and communicated.
tools & technology
  • Desktop computers
  • Laser fax machine
  • Laser printers
  • Notebook computers
  • Personal computers

  • Analytical or scientific software
  • Compliance software
  • Electronic mail software
  • Internet browser software
  • Risk management data and analysis software