Occupation information for Mechatronics Engineers District Of Columbia


Research, design, develop, or test automation, intelligent systems, smart devices, or industrial systems control.

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Currently Employed: 3,500

Projected Annual Job Openings: 200

Typical Hourly Wage: $61.69 - $87.33

Typical Annual Salary: $128,320 - $181,650

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typical training

Typical education needed for entry: Bachelor's degree

Typical work experience needed for a job in this occupation: No work experience

Typical on-the-job training once you have a job in this occupation: No on-the-job training

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typical job duties
  • Create mechanical design documents for parts, assemblies, or finished products.
  • Design advanced precision equipment for accurate or controlled applications.
  • Design engineering systems for the automation of industrial tasks.
  • Implement or test design solutions.
  • Maintain technical project files.
  • Identify materials appropriate for mechatronic system designs.
  • Research, select, or apply sensors, communication technologies, or control devices for motion control, position sensing, pressure sensing, or electronic communication.
  • Apply mechatronic or automated solutions to the transfer of materials, components, or finished goods.
  • Develop electronic, mechanical, or computerized processes to perform tasks in dangerous situations, such as underwater exploration or extraterrestrial mining.
  • Provide consultation or training on topics such as mechatronics or automated control.
tools & technology
  • Desktop computers
  • Dynamometers
  • Laser printers
  • Metal band sawing machine
  • Milling machines

  • Analytical or scientific software
  • Computer aided design CAD software
  • Computer aided manufacturing CAM software
  • Development environment software
  • Object or component oriented development software