Occupation information for Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators District Of Columbia


Create original artwork using any of a wide variety of media and techniques.

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Currently Employed: Not Available

Projected Annual Job Openings: Not Available

Typical Hourly Wage: Not Available

Typical Annual Salary: Not Available

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typical training

Typical education needed for entry: Bachelor's degree

Typical work experience needed for a job in this occupation: No work experience

Typical on-the-job training once you have a job in this occupation: More than 1 year on-the-job training

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typical job duties
  • Integrate and develop visual elements, such as line, space, mass, color, and perspective, to produce desired effects, such as the illustration of ideas, emotions, or moods.
  • Model substances such as clay or wax, using fingers and small hand tools to form objects.
  • Create sculptures, statues, and other three-dimensional artwork by using abrasives and tools to shape, carve, and fabricate materials such as clay, stone, wood, or metal.
  • Set up exhibitions of artwork for display or sale.
  • Render drawings, illustrations, and sketches of buildings, manufactured products, or models, working from sketches, blueprints, memory, models, or reference materials.
  • Confer with clients, editors, writers, art directors, and other interested parties regarding the nature and content of artwork to be produced.
  • Frame and mat artwork for display or sale.
  • Shade and fill in sketch outlines and backgrounds, using a variety of media such as water colors, markers, and transparent washes, labeling designated colors when necessary.
  • Submit artwork to shows or galleries.
  • Submit preliminary or finished artwork or project plans to clients for approval, incorporating changes as necessary.
tools & technology
  • Anatomical models
  • Camera flashes or lighting
  • Clay or modeling tools
  • Kilns for firing ceramics
  • Specialty brushes

  • Computer aided design CAD software
  • Data base user interface and query software
  • Development environment software
  • Graphics or photo imaging software
  • Object or component oriented development software