Occupation information for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians District Of Columbia


Diagnose and treat disorders requiring physiotherapy to provide physical, mental, and occupational rehabilitation.

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Currently Employed: 2,040

Projected Annual Job Openings: 60

Typical Hourly Wage: $88.22 - $115.00+

Typical Annual Salary: $183,500 - $239,200+

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typical training

Typical education needed for entry: Doctoral or professional degree

Typical work experience needed for a job in this occupation: No work experience

Typical on-the-job training once you have a job in this occupation: Internship/residency

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typical job duties
  • Document examination results, treatment plans, and patients' outcomes.
  • Examine patients to assess mobility, strength, communication, or cognition.
  • Provide inpatient or outpatient medical management of neuromuscular disorders, musculoskeletal trauma, acute and chronic pain, deformity or amputation, cardiac or pulmonary disease, or other disabling conditions.
  • Monitor effectiveness of pain management interventions, such as medication or spinal injections.
  • Develop comprehensive plans for immediate and long-term rehabilitation, including therapeutic exercise, speech and occupational therapy, counseling, cognitive retraining, patient, family or caregiver education, or community reintegration.
  • Coordinate physical medicine and rehabilitation services with other medical activities.
  • Perform electrodiagnosis, including electromyography, nerve conduction studies, or somatosensory evoked potentials of neuromuscular disorders or damage.
  • Prescribe physical therapy to relax the muscles and improve strength.
  • Consult or coordinate with other rehabilitative professionals, including physical and occupational therapists, rehabilitation nurses, speech pathologists, neuropsychologists, behavioral psychologists, social workers, or medical technicians.
  • Prescribe therapy services, such as electrotherapy, ultrasonography, heat or cold therapy, hydrotherapy, debridement, short-wave or microwave diathermy, and infrared or ultraviolet radiation, to enhance rehabilitation.
tools & technology
  • Anesthesia nerve block kit or tray
  • Balance beams or boards or bolsters or rockers for rehabilitation or therapy
  • Electrotherapy combination units
  • Pedal exercisers for rehabilitation or therapy
  • Therapeutic heating or cooling pads or compresses or packs

  • Electronic mail software
  • Medical software
  • Word processing software