Occupation information for First-Line Supervisors of Non-Retail Sales Workers Arizona


Directly supervise and coordinate activities of sales workers other than retail sales workers. May perform duties such as budgeting, accounting, and personnel work, in addition to supervisory duties.

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Currently Employed: 6,050

Projected Annual Job Openings: 600

Typical Hourly Wage: $28.05 - $56.97

Typical Annual Salary: $58,350 - $118,500

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typical training

Typical education needed for entry: High school diploma or equivalent

Typical work experience needed for a job in this occupation: Less than 5 years work experience

Typical on-the-job training once you have a job in this occupation: No on-the-job training

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typical job duties
  • Monitor sales staff performance to ensure that goals are met.
  • Formulate pricing policies on merchandise according to profitability requirements.
  • Visit retailers and sales representatives to promote products and gather information.
  • Prepare sales and inventory reports for management and budget departments.
  • Direct and supervise employees engaged in sales, inventory-taking, reconciling cash receipts, or performing specific services.
  • Examine products purchased for resale or received for storage to determine product condition.
  • Examine merchandise to ensure correct pricing and display, and that it functions as advertised.
  • Listen to and resolve customer complaints regarding services, products, or personnel.
  • Keep records pertaining to purchases, sales, and requisitions.
  • Hire, train, and evaluate personnel.
tools & technology
  • Desktop computers
  • Laser fax machine
  • Mobile phones
  • Notebook computers
  • Printer calculator

  • Accounting software
  • Customer relationship management CRM software
  • Data base user interface and query software
  • Enterprise resource planning ERP software
  • Video conferencing software