Occupation information for Carpenters District Of Columbia


Construct, erect, install, or repair structures and fixtures made of wood and comparable materials, such as concrete forms; building frameworks, including partitions, joists, studding, and rafters; and wood stairways, window and door frames, and hardwood floors. May also install cabinets, siding, drywall, and batt or roll insulation. Includes brattice builders who build doors or brattices (ventilation walls or partitions) in underground passageways.

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Currently Employed: 1,410

Projected Annual Job Openings: 150

Typical Hourly Wage: $27.85 - $33.11

Typical Annual Salary: $57,930 - $68,860

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typical training

Typical education needed for entry: High school diploma or equivalent

Typical work experience needed for a job in this occupation: No work experience

Typical on-the-job training once you have a job in this occupation: Apprenticeship

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typical job duties
  • Follow established safety rules and regulations and maintain a safe and clean environment.
  • Measure and mark cutting lines on materials, using a ruler, pencil, chalk, and marking gauge.
  • Assemble and fasten materials to make frameworks or props, using hand tools and wood screws, nails, dowel pins, or glue.
  • Study specifications in blueprints, sketches, or building plans to prepare project layout and determine dimensions and materials required.
  • Shape or cut materials to specified measurements, using hand tools, machines, or power saws.
  • Verify trueness of structure, using plumb bob and level.
  • Cover subfloors with building paper to keep out moisture and lay hardwood, parquet, or wood-strip-block floors by nailing floors to subfloor or cementing them to mastic or asphalt base.
  • Construct forms or chutes for pouring concrete.
  • Arrange for subcontractors to deal with special areas, such as heating or electrical wiring work.
  • Build or repair cabinets, doors, frameworks, floors, or other wooden fixtures used in buildings, using woodworking machines, carpenter's hand tools, or power tools.
tools & technology
  • Ladders
  • Levels
  • Planes
  • Power routers
  • Power saws

  • Accounting software
  • Computer aided design CAD software
  • Information retrieval or search software
  • Project management software
  • Word processing software