Occupation information for Food Batchmakers District Of Columbia


Set up and operate equipment that mixes or blends ingredients used in the manufacturing of food products. Includes candy makers and cheese makers.

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Currently Employed: Not Available

Projected Annual Job Openings: Not Available

Typical Hourly Wage: $17.70 - $18.34

Typical Annual Salary: $36,820 - $38,150

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typical training

Typical education needed for entry: High school diploma or equivalent

Typical work experience needed for a job in this occupation: No work experience

Typical on-the-job training once you have a job in this occupation: 1 to 12 months on-the-job training

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typical job duties
  • Record production and test data for each food product batch, such as the ingredients used, temperature, test results, and time cycle.
  • Clean and sterilize vats and factory processing areas.
  • Test food product samples for moisture content, acidity level, specific gravity, or butter-fat content, and continue processing until desired levels are reached.
  • Set up, operate, and tend equipment that cooks, mixes, blends, or processes ingredients in the manufacturing of food products, according to formulas or recipes.
  • Mix or blend ingredients, according to recipes, using a paddle or an agitator, or by controlling vats that heat and mix ingredients.
  • Inspect vats after cleaning to ensure that fermentable residue has been removed.
  • Follow recipes to produce food products of specified flavor, texture, clarity, bouquet, or color.
  • Give directions to other workers who are assisting in the batchmaking process.
  • Select and measure or weigh ingredients, using English or metric measures and balance scales.
  • Fill processing or cooking containers, such as kettles, rotating cookers, pressure cookers, or vats, with ingredients, by opening valves, by starting pumps or injectors, or by hand.
tools & technology
  • Cheese making machine
  • Commercial use dough machines
  • Commercial use mixers
  • Commercial use ranges
  • Metering or injection or proportioning pumps

  • Enterprise resource planning ERP software
  • Inventory management software
  • Office suite software