Occupation Information for Paralegals and Legal Assistant... GA

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Assist lawyers by investigating facts, preparing legal documents, or researching legal precedent. Conduct research to support a legal proceeding, to formulate a defense, or to initiate legal action.


Currently Employed: 12,040

Projected Annual Job Openings: 1,600

Typical Hourly Wage: $22.25 - $35.14

Typical Annual Salary: $46,280 - $73,090

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typical training

Typical education needed for entry:Associate's degree

Typical work experience needed for a job in this occupation:No work experience

Typical on-the-job training once you have a job in this occupation:No on-the-job training

typical job duties
  • Prepare affidavits or other documents, such as legal correspondence, and organize and maintain documents in paper or electronic filing system.
  • Prepare legal documents, including briefs, pleadings, appeals, wills, contracts, and real estate closing statements.
  • Investigate facts and law of cases and search pertinent sources, such as public records and internet sources, to determine causes of action and to prepare cases.
  • Meet with clients and other professionals to discuss details of case.
  • Gather and analyze research data, such as statutes, decisions, and legal articles, codes, and documents.
  • Direct and coordinate law office activity, including delivery of subpoenas.
  • Call upon witnesses to testify at hearing.
  • Arbitrate disputes between parties and assist in the real estate closing process, such as by reviewing title searches.
  • Keep and monitor legal volumes to ensure that law library is up-to-date.
tools & technology
  • Desktop computers
  • Laser fax machine
  • Notebook computers
  • Optical character recognition systems
  • Scanners
  • Analytical or scientific software
  • Data base user interface and query software
  • Desktop publishing software
  • Document management software
  • Information retrieval or search software