Help: Jobs

What's on this page?

This page shows job listings for the career you selected. These listings come from several sources; see source details below.

Jobs Table

1Job Title

This column lists jobs that are available for the career you selected.


This column lists the company that posted the job. Click the Company column header to sort jobs by company name.


This column lists the location of the job. Click the Location column header to sort jobs by location.

4Date Listed

This column lists the date that the job was posted. Click the Date Posted column header to sort the jobs by date.

5Apply For Job

Click this button to go to the website of the company that posted the job.

How can I find jobs in my local area?

Location Bar

To narrow your search by location, enter your ZIP code or state in the Choose a Location field.

If you enter a ZIP code, you can select a distance to search within.

Then click Go to find jobs in your area.

Where does the information come from?

mySkills myFuture uses several sources for job postings. You can select the source you’d like to view by clicking on the box next to “Source” and selecting one of the job posting sources. Current sources include:

Please note that not all of these commercial job banks have the same requirements for job postings as; some of the job postings you find on these job banks may be duplicates and some may not be for existing job openings. Also note that you may be required to register in order to apply for a position.

More Info

Explore Job Search information on planning a job search, finding a job, applying for a job, and negotiating an offer.


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