Compare Construction Laborers & Roustabouts, Oil and Gas District Of Columbia

Comparison Construction Laborers Roustabouts, Oil and Gas

View the mid-level salary in both your current job and your selected occupation. (Annual salaries apply to people who work full-time year-round.)

Construction Laborers $47,400
Roustabouts, Oil and Gas Not Available

skills & knowledge Gaps

These are areas where you might have skill gaps. People working in your selected job generally need higher levels in these skill and knowledge areas than people working in your current job.

Mechanical Skills & Knowledge Gaps for Construction Laborers
Construction Laborers
Mechanical Skills & Knowledge Gaps for Roustabouts, Oil and Gas
Roustabouts, Oil and Gas

Knowledge of machines and tools, including their designs, uses, repair, and maintenance.

Find Training for this Gap

Mathematics Skills & Knowledge Gaps for Construction Laborers
Construction Laborers
Very Low
Mathematics Skills & Knowledge Gaps for Roustabouts, Oil and Gas
Roustabouts, Oil and Gas

Knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and their applications.

Find Training for this Gap

Typical Level Of Training

See how much education people typically have in your selected job, and then use the link to find training programs in your local area.

Typical level Of training for Construction Laborers
Construction Laborers

No formal educational credential

Typical level Of training for Roustabouts, Oil and Gas
Roustabouts, Oil and Gas

No formal educational credential

Find Training for this Occupation


Many states require licenses for certain jobs. See if your selected occupation requires a license and if so, follow the link to find information for your state.

Licensing for Construction Laborers
Construction Laborers

No license found in District of Columbia

Licensing for Roustabouts, Oil and Gas
Roustabouts, Oil and Gas

No license found in District of Columbia


Certifications help you get ahead or qualify for different jobs. You usually have to pass a test to earn one, and then you can show employers that you have the skills and knowledge needed to do well on the job.

Certification for Construction Laborers
Construction Laborers

21 related certifications

Certification for Roustabouts, Oil and Gas
Roustabouts, Oil and Gas

0 related certifications