Help: Compare Skills

What's on this page?

This page compares the career you selected with the past job you entered. It shows many different ways to compare careers.


Compare Skills Compare Salaries 

This section shows the median salary for the job you entered compared to the median salary for the career you selected.

Similar Skills and Knowledge

Compare Skills Compare Skills and Knowledge

This section lists skills and knowledge that are similar in your last job and the career you selected.

Skills and Knowledge Gaps

Compare Skills Compare Skills and Knowledge Gaps

This section shows possible skills and knowledge gaps between the two careers. You can link to information about training resources here.

Typical Level of Training

Compare Skills Compare Typical Level of Training

This section gives the typical level of education for the two careers. Click Find Training for this Occupation to find training programs in your area.

Occupational Licenses

Compare Skills Compare Licenses

This section shows if a license is required for the career you selected. Click Find Licensing Programs for more details.


Compare Skills Compare Certifications

This section shows if there are certifications related to the career. Click Find Certifications for more details.

How can I find information for my local area?

Location Bar

To narrow your search by location, enter your ZIP code or state in the Choose a Location field.

If you have entered a ZIP code, you can narrow your search further by selecting a distance from the 'Within' drop-down menu.

Then click Go to compare careers in your area.

Where does this information come from?

Typical salary data are from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics Survey.

Skills and knowledge information comes from the U.S. Department of Labor’s U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Information Network (O*Net).

Typical Level of Training data are from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections.

License information comes from the National Crosswalk Service Center Licensed Occupation database.

Certification information comes from the CareerOneStop Cerfification Finder database.


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